Monday, August 5, 2013

EFT, NLP and Success With The Law of Attraction

I'm sure you have all heard of the Law of Attraction as it has become rampant within the media and best book-sellers lists of recent years. After years of personally attempting to master the Law of Attraction without success, I finally realised what was going wrong - and it was unsurprisingly due to a number of factors.

It just isn't as simple as some sources lead you to believe. It involves a synchronicity between the unconscious and conscious minds and is also dependent on whether there is congruency with your life's journey so far; and where it is heading in the future. Also it has to be realistic and attainable like all life's goals.

It is no use for example, wishing to attract something into our lives that just doesn't match our life history or our belief system. So, if a person has a deep routed fear and dislike of hospitals and is just not comfortable with the smells, sights and idea of relying 100% purely on allopathic medicine; then wishing for a job as a hospital receptionist will probably not materialise.

Why might a person wish for such a job? Perhaps due to geographic location (they may live within walking distance of the hospital), have close friends working there, the pay might be higher than other jobs in the area etc. But deep down within their minds (their unconscious) will be the understanding that this is just not the right type of job for them and they will not 'feel' completely happy and contented if they were to get it - so in all probability they wont.

The first and most important factor is that you must believe 100% that the Law of Attraction does work - any doubt and you are doomed to failure from the start.

The other important factor is that you must actively do whatever is necessary to help the Law of Attraction to work. It is no use solely relying on your thinking, you must behave as if you have achieved or arrived at the desired outcome already. So for example, if you are seeking the perfect job, you must make sure you have the skills, qualifications and necessary experience to be offered it - or of course, that job will never be yours.

The most important factor of all (and mentioned in the first paragraph) is that your unconscious mind must also believe it is capable of attracting into your life what your conscious mind believes is possible. From infancy we have been conditioned into thinking about ourselves and our world in a way that our carers and peers have instilled into us. Beliefs such as 'the likes of us have always been under-achievers, we will always be poor etc may be ingrained in our unconscious mind and play over and over each day in a way that keeps us lowly and keeps us poor etc.

We need to find a way of breaking free from old patterns and finding a congruency between our unconscious and conscious minds. How can we do this? There are many ways, but the two ways that are perhaps the most straight forward to the majority of people (and do not conflict with any religious beliefs) are Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP).

The first is a meridian therapy and works with the body's energy system in a similar way to acupuncture (but without needles). It involves gentle tapping or pressure on certain meridian points whilst verbalising aspects of the problem in order to ultimately shift and eliminate the problem.

The second NLP, involves re-training our mind to perceive the world in a more positive and helpful manner by changing certain neural-pathways. NLP works by studying the structure of our subjectivity ie how we 'picture' things in our minds eye, where we locate our 'inner voices', our feelings and so on and then change them in order for them to become positively effective for us. Our linguistic structures are hard-wired in our minds and play out each day by way of persistent negative thoughts and expectations such as 'I will never succeed', I know I won't get the promotion' etc. NLP helps us to re-programme ourselves just as we re-programme computers.

In other words, NLP works by getting us to do things at neurological and subjective levels, by utilising all of our 5 senses and carefully manipulating and altering relevant sub-modalities, for the purpose of ultimately changing our neurological functioning in our favour.

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