Thursday, August 8, 2013

Chronic Fungal Candida Infection and a Natural Candidiasis Cleanse

Candida manifests symptoms of fatigue, allergies, immune system malfunction, depression, chemical sensitivities, foggy headedness, headaches, digestive disturbances, abnormal bowel movements, acne, skin rashes and an overall feeling of being sick all over your entire body. The only way you can have a successful candidiasis cleanse is to address and correct the factors, which predispose to a chronic fungal candida infection. Antibiotics are one of the worst culprits. Prolonged antibiotic use suppresses normal intestinal bacteria, which prevent yeast overgrowth and suppression of the immune system, and therefore, promote the overgrowth of Candida.

In order to correct this overgrowth, it is vital to take probiotics for candida. Probiotics replace your friendly bacteria, necessary to ward off any chronic fungal candida infection and candida overgrowth. Drugs like nystatin and diflucan as well as many natural candidiasis cleanses rarely produce significant long-term results because they fail to address the underlying factors, which promote candida overgrowth. Often times you will need to address a deficiency of hydrochloric acid or pancreatic enzymes. A candidiasis cleanse should incorporate caprylic acid, berberine-containing plants, garlic and enteric-coated volatile oil preparations in addition to 1-10 billion viable probiotics for candida. Keep in mind when undergoing a candidiasis cleanse you will more than likely experience adverse effects of the "die-off" process. You might experience a worsening of symptoms at first, but adhering to a strict candida food list 2 weeks prior to starting your candidiasis cleanse, supporting your liver and starting any supplements you take with your candidiasis cleanse can lessen the adverse effects of this "die-off" period.

Caprylic acid is an excellent antifungal that is readily absorbed in the intestines; therefore it is necessary to take timed-release or enteric-coated caprylic acid formulas to allow for gradual release throughout the entire intestinal tract.

Berberine-containing botanicals are vital to any candidiasis cleanse. The berberine-containing plants include Barberry, Goldenseal, Oregon grape, and Goldthread. Berberine exhibits a broad spectrum of antibiotic activity against bacteria, protozoa and fungi, including Candida albicans. In fact berberine's activity is actually stronger than that of prescription antibiotics.

If you are engaging in a candidiasis cleanse, be sure to include garlic, which contains allicin, and has proven to have significant antifungal activity. In fact its antifungal activity is more potent than nystatin, gentian violet, and six other reputed antifungal agents.

Volatile oils from oregano, thyme, peppermint, and rosemary are effective antifungal agents. These volatile oils, in enteric-coated supplement form should be a part of any candidiasis cleanse. Since the volatile oils are quickly absorbed, as well as being associated with inducing heartburn, an enteric coating is suggested to ensure delivery to the small and large intestines.

With regards to a candida food list, the following diet should be strictly adhered to for any chronic fungal candida infection:

· Eliminate refined and simple sugars
· Eliminate milk and other dairy products
· Eliminate all known or suspected food allergies
· Eliminate foods with a high content of yeast or mold, including cheeses, alcohol, peanuts, melons and dried fruits

If you are diligent, you can get rid of your chronic fungal candida infection simply by following a strict candida food list, taking potent probiotics for candida and taking the supplements mentioned above as part of your candidiasis cleanse. Keep in mind you did not develop a chronic fungal candida infection over night and it will not go away over night. It takes due diligence and a positive mental and emotional outlook.

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