Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Colds and Flu, Steps to Fight and Prevent It Naturally

It is winter and colds and flu bugs are wide spread. it is a good idea to be prepared and fight this common and wide spread illness and its nasty symptoms, naturally by using the following steps:

A - Have your homeopathic remedies handy.

Homeopathy is very effective treatment of epidemic illnesses like colds and flu and having the following essential remedies is very helpful.

1- Aconite: is useful for the sudden and onset fever, cold after exposure to the cold wind it is very useful in the first 24 hours of colds and flu symptoms.

2- Belladona: It is useful in early stage of cold, with rapid and high temperature. Skin is red and flushed. Upper body is hot and red and legs are cold. Nose and throat are red and inflamed.

3- Allium Cepa: It is useful in colds with intense colds in the head and constant watery eyes. Also there is burning nasal discharge. Nostrils and upper lips are sore. Violent sneezing constantly.

4- Arsen Alb: it is useful when colds symptoms are worse at night. There is burning sensation in the nose, eyes and throat. A dry irritating cough exist. Symptoms are better for warmth and warm drinks.

4- Gelsemium: Is very useful remedy for beginning of the Flu. There is heaviness, shivering in the body, chill goes up and down of spine. There are heavy eyelids and the patient needs to lie down.

5- Euphrasia: Is useful for colds with burning watery eyes. There is severe nasal discharge. Symptoms get worse with the sunlight.

B - Have rest and stillness, it brings more energy to your body to heal itself. Daily exercise of rest and relaxation and stillness reduces the amount of stress we our facing daily. This can as well raise our body's energy and immunity.

C - Have your daily antioxidant like vitamin A, C and Vitamin D and preferably from fruits and vegetables of organic source. Add yellow, red-orange and green colour fruits and vegetables like red and yellow papers, carrots, sweet potatoes, pumpkins citrus fruits in your daily diet. Goji berries, pomegranate and avocado are as well a rich source of antioxidants. Otherwise a good quality supplement must be taken daily with food.

D- Echinacea is a powerful herb for strengthening the immune system and prevention and treatment of colds and flu.

E- During the cold, eat lightly. You can eat different soups to ease the digestion and helping body to have more energy to fight the colds.

F- Avoid sugary and sweet foods as these make the body acidic and puts stress on the adrenal and immune systems.

G- Have a very good organic super green food like blue-green algae. They are powerful and a high source of proteins, vitamins and nutrients and a powerful energy booster and it strengthens the immune system. They have anti-ageing property for skin, hair and lots of other health benefits.

Finally: be grateful for everything you have. Be grateful for one important thing that without it we could not be alive, our breath. Have gratitude, on everything and in every situation... in sickness and health. Remember being grateful is so powerful that it can turn the difficult situation around.

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