Monday, August 5, 2013

Diabetes: Natural Approaches To Treatment

Diabetes affects tens of millions of people around the world and it is estimated that type 2 diabetes accounts for 90-95% of cases. The good news is that clinical research shows type 2 diabetes is preventable, treatable and can even be reversed through changes in lifestyle and diet. There are also several herbal and natural supplements that have been shown to treat and prevent diabetes.

The main problem with type 2 diabetes is controlling blood sugar levels. Insulin, a hormone produced by the body, regulates glucose (sugar) in the blood and allows it to enter our cells. Our cells use the glucose as fuel for energy. If you have type 2 diabetes or are pre-diabetic then you cannot produce enough of your own insulin or your cells are resistant to the effects of insulin. Sugar then builds up in the blood and the cells are deprived of energy. This can result in powerful cravings for sugar and simple carbohydrates, weight control issues, depression and, if high blood/glucose levels continue, can cause damage to the kidneys, heart, eyes and nervous system.

Routine exercise and a healthy, diabetes specific, diet are the most important factors in preventing and treating type 2 diabetes. Experts agree that only 20 minutes of vigorous exercise four times a week or 30 minutes of moderate exercise 3 times a week can lower blood sugar levels. A balanced diet rich in plant based foods and protein has been shown to significantly help at balancing blood sugar levels. Fish, which contains Omega 3 fatty acids, is a great source of protein. Green tea, which contains a ployphenol called EGCG, has been shown to lower blood sugar levels. Foods like spinach, potatoes, broccoli and liver contain alpha lipolic acid which, if taken regularly may lower blood sugar levels. Sometimes the most important dietary change one can make is by eliminating the bad foods and what are left over will be beneficial. Eliminating simple carbohydrates, refined sugar, and processed foods will go a long way towards improving your health.

There are various herbs and natural supplements being researched for their potential in treating diabetes. It is important that before taking any supplement you consult with your doctor or health care professional.

Shilajit is a gelatinous mineral substance with a long history of human use in India. Traditional uses for this herbal supplement focus on diabetes but also include wasting, tumors, asthma, fertility, erectile dysfunction and even insanity. Recent clinical research has reported that rats with diabetes showed a significant reduction in blood sugar levels after being treated with shilajit for four weeks. Shilajit is a complex herbal mixture of fulvic acids and over 85 different minerals and trace elements. Research has shown that low mineral levels in the body may contribute to unbalanced blood sugar levels. Authentic shilajit in it's pure form has been shown to be highly effective in treating diabetes while the processed shilajit extract powders are thought to be of low potency.

North American ginseng (panax quinquefolius) has shown promising effects in the treatment of diabetes. Clinical studies have indicated that this form of ginseng improves blood sugar levels and a type of hemoglobin used to monitor blood sugar levels. Ginseng has also been shown to increase insulin production. Ginseng has been used in Asia for thousands of years and is considered very safe.

Bitter melon has been proven by researchers to help treat diabetes. Bitter melon has insulin like constituents which lower blood sugar levels and help transport glucose to the cells. Bitter melon has been shown to be most beneficial when juiced and consumed on an empty stomach first thing in the morning. Bitter melon seeds can be ground and eaten or it can be taken as a tea.

Cinnamon has long been thought to treat diabetes. Several studies have confirmed cinnamon's efficacy at controlling blood glucose levels. Drinking cinnamon as a tea or using it as an ingredient in cooking is a good way to benefit from it's healing properties. Cinnamon contains a substance called coumarin which is also present celery, parsley and chamomile. Caution is advised as high levels of coumarin can cause liver damage and can also thin the blood. People taking anti blood clotting medication should not use supplements containing coumarin. There are a plethora of supplements and herbs being marketed for diabetes and most have little or no scientific research behind them. It is important to always be dubious of marketers claims about their products and to fully investigate any supplement and it's side effects before taking it. When it comes to treating any disease, consultation with a health care professional is advisable.

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