Friday, July 12, 2013

Chakra Clearing - The Natural Way to Heal

for a natural way to heal your mind and body? Chakra balancing through meditation is the perfect tool because it works with your body's own energy.

The Chakra system consists of 7 levels that correspond to various organs and systems of your body. The word chakra is derived from the ancient Sanskrit word Wheel. The chakras are located in your energetic body, not in the physical body. Each of us has seven main chakras in the body, and they are shaped like a flower or a wheel, with petals or spokes that detail their composition. The energy within each chakra can affect various circumstances in your life. The chakras contain and process energy in your body, and just as energy can propel you, it can also block you.

We all experience some kind of chakra imbalance some of the time, however, the aim of chakra healing is to get all of the chakras working and spinning smoothly and evenly, helping you to balance your energy.

The seven main chakras are as follows:

· The Root Chakra

· The Sacral Chakra

· The Solar Plexus Chakra

· The Heart Chakra

· The Throat Chakra

· The Brow or Third-Eye Chakra

· The Crown Chakra

Each chakra is aligned with a color, a musical note and others things like crystals or symbols. Chakra meditations are designed to heal and balance the energy of your body.

This type of practice is a wonderful way to balance your energy if you are feeling stressed or tense because it revitalizes you from the inside out.

Understanding and balancing this energy will help you bring power and balance back into your life, enabling you to live a more joyful and healthy life. Taking the time to balance your energy will help dispel negativity energy and attract those things into your life and into your magnetic field that you so desire.

Chakras are the center of your life force energy or Prana, also known as Chi. The easiest way to think of your chakras is to imagine them like cogs or wheels running up and down your spine, constantly renewing your energy. In a well-balanced and healthy person, the chakras spin clockwise and their colors are bright and clear.

Each chakra governs different aspects of your body. The root chakra, located at the base of your spine, is associated with the color red and it rules your sense of safety and security. The root chakra forms your foundation and your connection to the earth. It is also equated with your survival instinct. A blocked root chakra can cause financial instability, anxiety, lack of confidence and even problems with basic food and shelter.

The 2nd chakra, known as the Sacral chakra, is located in the abdomen and it is associated with the color orange. It governs relationships, sexuality, imagination and creativity and anything related to fertility. If you have relationship issues, you may find that clearing this chakra can work miracles.

The 3rd chakra, the Solar Plexus chakra, is located at the base of the rib cage and it is represented by the color yellow. This chakra is often called the power chakra, as it has to do with self-worth, intellect, confidence and power. This chakra, if blocked, can cause you to feel frustrated from the lack of power or control and even cause you to feel pessimistic, sarcastic or overly analytical.

The 4th chakra, the heart chakra, is the center of the energetic body and it rules the emotion of love. Blockages in this chakra can cause one to feel unstable, unloved and even bitter or jealous. The heart chakra is an important chakra because it connects the lower chakras to the upper chakras. The heart chakra is represented by the color green and it is located in front of the heart.

The color blue represents the 5th chakra, the throat chakra, and it sits at the throat area. This chakra helps us express ourselves and gives us good communication skills. People with blockages in this chakra might have difficulties with communication or even experience chronic colds.

The 6th chakra, the third-eye or brow chakra is located in the middle of the forehead slightly above the eyebrows. This chakra is represented by the color indigo and it represents intuitive sight and our connection to the spirit world. This chakra helps us visualize and develop our intuition. Blockages in this chakra can cause confusion, poor concentration and even headaches.

The 7th chakra, the crown chakra is located at the top of the head and it is represented by the color violet or white. The crown chakra connects us to higher guidance and gives us spiritual awareness and it is our connection to a higher power.

Clearing the chakras can alleviate blockages and there are many methods one can utilize; meditation is merely one of those methods. You can clear the chakras by visualizing each chakra's color spinning clockwise in front of your body taking time to imagine emotional issues clearing as the colors spin.

Meditation is an incredible way to heal the mind and body, and taking time to work through each chakra can help you overcome issues you have spent a lifetime fighting.

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