Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Athletes Performance Can Benefit From Visiting a Salt Cave

Research and studies have demonstrated the beneficial value of the micro climate of salt caves in shielding our bodies against viral infections, in balancing our immune system, in the enhancement of sport performance & in the following disorders:

Respiratory infections, Cardiovascular diseases, Immune system diseases, Gastrointestinal diseases, Skin diseases, Nervous system disorders, Disorders of metabolism and as a drug-free treatment for asthma, bronchitis, Cystic Fibrosis (CF) and sinusitis

The primary goal of every athlete is to achieve their absolute, maximum potential. Salt Therapy has been found to aid in Sport Performance Enhancement. One of the most important determinants of whether this is possible is an optimum breathing pattern and lung capacity.

As an athlete, you know that every advantage counts. When you want to win, you need that edge. Salt Therapy can help you get that edge over the competition. The primary goal of every athlete is to achieve their absolute, maximum potential. In order to achieve this an athlete needs an optimum breathing pattern and lung capacity.

When an athlete has poor breathing patterns it may:

(1) reduce stamina and performance
(2) increase the likelihood of injury in training and competition
(3 increase the production of lactic acid and subsequently leaves the athlete with residual muscle soreness
(4) increase dehydration
(5) increase the occurrence of cramps
(6) greatly increase recovery time
(7) limit gaseous exchange in the lungs
(8) elevate the heart rate
(9) increase anxiety
(10) decrease concentration
(11) deplete energy levels
(12) contribute to poor sleep patterns

Speleotherapy (Salt therapy) successfully addresses all of these factors. Once an athlete has optimized their breathing they can achieve better performance.

Visiting a Salt Cave, as part of an active sports program, helps increase lung function and breathing capacity while preventing and treating many underlying respiratory weaknesses among athletes. Athletes find that once they have optimized their breathing, they can achieve better performance, using less breath. This means they have more air in reserve to achieve outstanding performance.

Clinical Trials have shown that Salt Therapy is effective in:

(1) clearing mucous from the airways thus removing airflow obstruction
(2) enhancing the mucous clearance mechanism in both asthmatic and healthy subjects
(3) maintaining clear airways
(4) providing anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effects in the whole respiratory tract
(5) reducing bronchial sensitization and improving lung function
(6) helping to clear unwanted, inhaled particles from the respiratory tract

Integrating Speleotherapy into a training routine can induce better lung function, improve performance, while preventing and treating many underlying respiratory weaknesses among athletes. Why not get the edge. All athletes, regardless of the sport or level they play can benefit from visiting a salt cave prior and after a competition.

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