Tuesday, July 16, 2013

5 Tips to Build Up Your Immunity Naturally

The strength of your immune system is directly related to your diet. Other factors play a role of course, including your age. A person who is 70 may have more difficulty fighting off a bug than a person who is 25. But regardless of your age, there are things you can do to reduce your risk of getting sick every year during cold and flu season.

Here are the top five suggestions.

Tip 1: Avoid Getting a Chill

While colds and flus are caused by viruses, not cold weather, research has shown that people who are chilled are more susceptible. One of the studies was pretty convincing. Two groups of soldiers participated. Scientists actually squirted the active cold-causing rhinovirus into their noses. One group was warm and comfortable. The other group sat with their feet in ice water.

A significantly larger percentage of the men with their feet in the ice water developed a cold. Very few of the people in the warm room got sick. So, mom's advice to stay warm and dry had merit.

Tip 2: Drink Plenty of Pure Fluids

This is usually advice reserved for people who are already sick. But there is a benefit of drinking plenty of fluids to prevent illness.

In the winter, there is a low relative humidity caused by warm air indoors and cold air outdoors. The low humidity dries out mucous membranes. The membranes can become cracked and abraded, making you more susceptible to viral infections.

Drinking plenty of pure fluids helps to keep the membranes moist. If you do catch a cold, it is easier for your body to expel the viruses.

Some fluids are especially good choices because they contain antioxidants that boost immune system strength. Orange juice is well known for its vitamin C content. Green tea is well known in some parts of the world and is becoming increasingly popular in the west. The antioxidants and other nutrients in green tea make your immune system stronger naturally.

Tip 3: Spice Up Your Food

Several spices have anti-viral, anti-fungal and natural anti-bacterial activity. The spices were used historically to treat illnesses, long before anti-viral drugs and antibiotics were introduced. Spices with proven germ-fighting activity include turmeric, black cumin, black pepper and ginger.

Tip 4: Use Herbs to Boost Immunity

In addition to common spice plants, there are herbs that boost immune system strength and have the ability to fight germs. You may have heard of herbs like Echinacea, but some are even more effective than that one. Here's a list of germ-fighting herbs to look for:

· Andrographis paniculata leaf
· Olive leaf extract
· Eleuthero root extract
· Milk thistle seed extract

Depending on where you live, you may not have access to all of those herbs, but you can find them in some of the better immunity boosting supplements.

Tip 5: Take Fish Oil

One of the bodily functions that set the stage for infection is inflammation. While inflammation is a normal immune system process, it can "overreact" when exposed to a new virus or other germ.

Fish oil helps to keep the inflammatory process under control because of the omega-3 fatty acids it provides. Some studies have shown that those fatty acids play a role in programming immune system responses.

Not all fish oil supplements are the same of course. So, it is important to choose a good one.

If you follow the five suggestions above, you will be rewarded with fewer colds and flu bugs. You will build up your immunity naturally.

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