Monday, November 18, 2013

You Brainwashed?

What is your Mental Program?

Have you received a set of instructions that you must perform? Embedded deep within your brain may be an executable list of commands. Your response may occur from either an internal or external stimulus. These programs can vary in length however they may run constantly, with no end in sight.

Eyes Wide Closed?

Mental programs are mostly subconscious and disseminated completely without the recipient's knowledge. As a part of their framework they can often only be remembered within the same state in which the original program was first coded. This may be a during a trauma, a time of day, a specific event or even a place.

Most influential time of your life

Your mental programming started even before you were born. It has been demonstrated that a fetus can hear and recognizes the mother's voice. What a mother repeats, sings or says is registered within the developing brain and subconscious.


There are waves passing through your brain. Two of the brainwaves have a lot to do with your ability to be programmed. The Delta and Theta wave patterns create a level of function within the brain that makes the recipient readily influenced. There are times of your life that these patterns are most active. As you might imagine the infant and youth mind being in a developmental phase makes it a target. The programming that occurs when we are very young is the most powerful. For at this time the brain naturally functions within the Delta and Theta Brainwaves. It is within these years that our minds are hyper-suggestible.

Taking advantage

Advertisers know how and when you are most readily programmed. Much of the advertising is targeted in a covert way at the child's mind. It is well known that there is a part of the mind called the limbic system, that works to convert words, feelings and visualizations into a language that the body can understand. Using this knowledge predator advertisers can use this to literally program your mind.


Knowing that you have been covertly programmed your entire life, you must question whether you can be reprogrammed? Can you recreate the brainwave patterns that were previously used to program you? Can you put a new message in place of the old damaging one? Can you stop future programming? Fortunately the answer to all of the above questions is, YES!

Your Program

If you are over weight, you may have been programmed to eat the advertiser's food. If you are a smoker, you may have been influenced by a lifetime of smokers and advertisements. If you are in pain, you may have heard too many commercials for pain killers. If you cannot sleep, your mind may have received a constant looping program that you cannot shit off. If you have wrinkly skin you may have been subjected to many programs utilized by the beauty industry.

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