Monday, November 18, 2013

Allergies and How To Beat Them

Allergies are a problem that millions of people have, and most of us only get marginal relief from drugs, which can also have negative side effects.

Home and natural remedies, usually have fewer side effects, and still can be very powerful to combat the effects of allergies.

Experts say there are more than 26 million Americans who suffer from seasonal allergies and about 50 million who suffer from all types of allergies.

Often these allergic reactions are triggered by a high seasonal pollen count.

Those of us who suffer with sniffling, sneezing and itching allergy symptoms typically rely on numerous drugs and sprays for relief, often with mixed results.

Many pharmaceutical treatments relieve sneezing and itching, but do little to treat congestion.

In fact, at a recent meeting of the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, Dr. William E. Berger reported that nearly a third of allergy patients think their medications don't work.

Plus, pharmaceutical remedies are often expensive and frequently come with unwanted side effects, like drowsiness and nasal irritation.

The sedative effects of these drugs can impair driving ability and cause a mental disconnect that many users find irritating.

Annual bouts with pollen aren't just uncomfortable, they also take a toll on mental well-being. Studies have shown that during ragweed season, allergy sufferers often experience a general sense of fatigue, especially mental fatigue, and are more prone to feelings of sadness.

People who suffer from allergies also are up to 14 times more likely to experience migraine headaches than those who don't have allergies.

The statistics may make you want to run away to "a land with no plants and irritants," and wait until the whole season blows over, but it is possible to go outdoors without first loading up on allergy medications, even when they're in full bloom.

Here are several home remedies that are medically proven to aid in controlling allergies and help you breathe easier, even when pollen counts are at their worst.

Imagine a prickly invader entering your nasal passages and latching onto soft mucous membranes. These mucous membranes line our bronchial and nasal passages and contain immune cells, called mast cells, which are loaded with histamines.

Receptors sit on top of these mast cells, and when pollen, mold or pet dander lands on top of the receptor, it alerts the mast cells, which respond by releasing histamine and other chemicals.

The histamine initiates a series of reactions designed to help the body get rid of the intruder, including sneezing, watery eyes and itching.

For people with asthma, this reaction may also include swelling in the bronchial tubes that makes it difficult to breathe.

Most allergy medications attempt to treat the symptoms your body initiates to get rid of the allergen. But doesn't it make more sense to build up your defenses before your body goes into attack mode? Many of the natural remedies discussed below are designed to prevent a reaction before it occurs.

A few minor lifestyle changes can also help keep symptoms under control:

Avoid using window fans to cool rooms, because that pulls more pollen indoors.
Keep windows closed when driving, to avoid breathing more pollen.
Limit your time outdoors when ragweed pollen counts are highest.

More things that can help head off allergies before they start, as well as some "drug free" ways to treat symptoms when they do arise.

Neti Pots. What could be simpler than rinsing away allergens with saltwater? I have been telling people about the Neti Pot for years. Why?

Because, many years ago I had a severe sinus infection.

After spending agonizing time in a doctors office "waiting room" and wishing I could just die and go home to be with Jesus, my sister told me about this little thing that looks sort of like a tea pot.

A Neti pot is shaped kind of like Aladdin's lamp and have been used in India for thousands of years to flush the sinuses out and keep them clear.

It takes some getting used to for most of us, but it's kind of like using nasal spray.

A little douse of saltwater can rinse away those prickly pollen grains and help flush out about 80% of the allergens in our nose and sinuses.

An Italian study published in the International Archives of Allergy and Immunology found that "nasal flushing" was a mild and effective way to treat seasonal allergies in children, and markedly reduced their use of antihistamines.

Neti pots are inexpensive and in my opinion, one of the most effective things you can do to get rid of the allergens in your sinuses.

Simply mix a quarter to a half teaspoon of noniodized table salt into a cup of lukewarm water and pour it into the pot. Use sea salt ONLY!

Lean over a sink with your head slightly cocked to one side, then put the spout of the neti pot into one nostril and allow the water to drain out the other nostril.

Gently blow out each nostril to clear them completely.

Neti pots are available online and at natural health food stores. Use it about twice a day during allergy season, especially in the morning and after spending time outdoors.

You also can use your neti pot before bed to prevent snoring caused by allergies and promote optimal overnight breathing.

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