Monday, November 18, 2013

You Brainwashed?

What is your Mental Program?

Have you received a set of instructions that you must perform? Embedded deep within your brain may be an executable list of commands. Your response may occur from either an internal or external stimulus. These programs can vary in length however they may run constantly, with no end in sight.

What Can Flower Remedies Treat?

A classic way of categorising the human and animal conditions is into four categories:


What Is Biofeedback?

While you could argue that the history of biofeedback dates to the mid-1800s, biofeedback and its effects were not really studied until more than a hundred years later. By the 1970s, biofeedback had garnered an impressive following, especially in psychology and psychological research. Today, biofeedback is considered a process by which subjects can gain greater awareness and even control of a wide range of physiological functions. Through the use of biofeedback machines, individuals gain important information about the activity of various systems so that they can ultimately learn to manipulate said systems voluntarily. In current practice, biofeedback is used to improve both physical and emotional health through greater understanding of physiological processes and the thoughts, emotions, and behaviours with which these processes are associated.

What Is Hypnosis? - Explored by 6 Common Misconceptions and What They Mean to Good Hypnotherapy

Hypnosis is mysterious and peculiar. It is not fully understood. Some therapists are taught a very diluted version of hypnosis and they market themselves with statements about hypnosis that are not true. They are true to the techniques they use, but not of hypnosis. Here are six common misconceptions about hypnosis and their relevance to effective change work. Some are encouraged by practising therapists and some are just urban legends.

What to Eat for More Energy

Food fatigue is what happens when your meals contribute to a tired feeling rather than an energized feeling. Food fatigue is becoming more common as people's bodies and digestion are thrown off track by stress and other lifestyle factors.

When to Eat for More Energy

Did you know that it's not only what you eat that matters for good energy levels, but also when you eat it? The body needs nourishment at certain times more than others, and sometimes lifestyle factors can push us into the habit of eating when the body doesn't need it, and not eating when the body does.

Where Do I Eat, and Does it Affect Digestion?

You may notice that when eating in a busy or hectic environment, there are times when you finish the meal and don't remember the sensations of actually eating it. The plate is empty, but you don't remember enjoying the smell of the food, the taste, or even the feeling of fullness. Though the food is already in your digestive system, the satisfaction of having eaten becomes lost and may leave your body feeling like something is lacking.