Wednesday, October 9, 2013

The Many Benefits of Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil has been around for millennia. It has been used by aboriginal cultures for centuries and Australian doctors in the early part of the Twentieth Century used the oil to prevent infections and clean wounds. It was even used as an antiseptic after surgery. As a testimony to tea tree oil benefits, it was even part of the first aid kits issued to Australian soldiers and sailors in World War Two.

This essential oil went out of favor with the advent of manmade antibiotics and antibacterial substances in the 1950s. However, tea tree oil is staging a comeback as more and more bacteria are becoming resistant to human created antibiotics and antiseptics.

It is one of nature's miracle substances. It can fight bacteria, fungus and even viruses. This makes it very useful in treating skin problems such as acne, blisters, athlete's foot, warts, herpes and minor insect bites. It's even useful in handling dandruff.

Studies have shown that, when used carefully, it can be used to treat respiratory problems, when a few drops are added to steam and inhaled. It should never be taken internally, which is why it's important to be careful when using it as a mouthwash. Add no more than three drops of tea tree oil to a cup of warm water and rinse your mouth thoroughly. Always spit out the mouthwash, never swallow it.

One of the many uses is in removing skin tags. Wash the affected area well and pat dry until there is no more moisture. Then massage a small amount into the skin tag with a ball of cotton or a Q-tip. Two or three applications each day for two to four weeks will usually cause the skin tag to fall off.

You should always be cautious when using essential oils, including tea tree oil. If you experience an allergic reaction, such as redness or rash, discontinue use at once and wash the affected area thoroughly. You can also dilute the it in another base, such as olive oil. This often corrects the problem.

This oil is becoming more and more popular as a natural alternative. One of its first appearances beyond the herbalist's apothecary was in many types of natural soaps that can be purchased in health food stores. It has since gone on to be widely used in creams, ointments and lotions.

Tea tree oil is experiencing a renaissance as an alternative to harsh chemicals and medications. Its anti-viral properties are becoming once again accepted as a legitimate treatment for infections and problems ranging from sore throat to chicken pox.


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