Friday, September 13, 2013

Lemon Health Benefits

When most people think of lemons they usually consider the role of the lemon in drinks. Few people take time to truly consider how beneficial lemons are to health. There are a plethora of things that people can use lemons for because it comes in diverse forms. There are lemon balms, oils, extracts and juices. The following highlights several health benefits of lemons that many surprise many.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

How to Reduce Stress Through Ayurveda

A lot of people turn to anti-depressants to curb and cure stress and anxiety, when the truth remains that stress is more of a psychologically influenced condition and hence can be better treated with will power. As the statistics for stress-related depression goes up, there has been constant search for alternative holistic treatment approaches. One such method is Ayurveda.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

How to Choose a Professional Hypnotherapist

As hypnosis is proving to be a safe and effective remedy for weight loss, stopping smoking and stress management, it is gaining recognition among the people. It is said that negative thoughts and patterns that are stored in the subconscious mind is responsible for stress, depression and relationship break up. Hypnosis helps people to clear the negative patterns from subconscious mind and accept positive suggestions and goals to achieve desired results in weight loss, fitness, relationship and career.

Humic And Fulvic Acids As Natural Remedies

Humic and fulvic acids are applied to heal the sick since the 15th century Ming Dynasty in Chinese medicine. A substance called: Wujinsan, made a doctor of that time even so famous that his name is still remembered up to today. He is mentioned in the Chinese Materia Medica pharmacological compendium and his name was Li Shi Zhen. The active ingredient of his remedy was humic and fulvic acids and he used it successfully in the treatment of hemorrhage diseases in women and ulcerous growth caused by infections. Modern Chinese research confirmed the efficient anti-inflammatory effect of humic and fulvic acids and to be blood coagulating agents.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Learning to Experience Wellness in a Hot, Flat, Crowded and Polluted World

The great writer and columnist Thomas Friedman describes what is meant by a Hot, Flat and Crowded world in his book of the same name. Hot is about the rising temperatures of the worlds environment. Crowded is about exploding population growth. Flat is about how interconnected and interdependent the world is today. Pollution is at it's highest level world wide and growing. Our world is also increasingly reaching levels of pollution not seen before.

Maddy's Homeopathic Success Story

My daughter, Madeleine, has always been a high energy child. She's energetic, curious, and she experiences high emotions every day. There's nothing like being around Madeleine when she is full of joy and high energy!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Improving Your Overall Health With Enzyme Therapy

Improving your overall health starts with being health conscious, making smart lifestyle choices and focusing on preventative care. Today's fast-paced economy has created a mindset of instant gratification even when health is involved. People want to take a pill and instantly feel a difference, and many do not see value in preventative therapies unless they see a problem first. With poor lifestyle choices today consisting of fad diets, eating processed foods, taking prescription medication, consuming alcohol, over indulging in sweets and artificial sweeteners, the body is working in overdrive to rid itself of toxins and reduce body-wide inflammation. If more time was spent focusing on natural alternatives to prevent illness rather than reacting to illness and treating with prescription drugs, the world would be a healthier place.

Liver Flush Is Only for Healthy People

Many people realize that liver is the primary human detoxification organ; therefore, they are looking for ways to do the liver cleansing. Hundreds of websites and thousands of people are active proponents of the liver flush, mostly, with olive oil and lemon juice. Thrilled, people find so-called gallbladder stones in their stools. They feel happy. However, not all feel so great afterwards. Some start to feel pain and cramps in the upper part of the stomach, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea, fainting, fatigue.